Why Yoga is good for Menopause
Yoga and Menopause: How My Practice Helped Me Embrace Perimenopause
Yoga and Menopause: How My Practice Helped Me Embrace Perimenopause
Pain is your body's loving way of keeping you safe and preventing you from killing yourself
The Importance of Yoga in Trauma Therapy: How a Routine Can Help You Heal
Good posture can make us appear taller and slimmer if that is what we are after. But how does Yoga do that?
Laughing is an easy, fun way to increase your health and well being at a time of great uncertainty where our anxiety is at an all-time high.
Now's the time to relax into slowing down and enjoy not having to be in sync with the everyday grind.
Most Yogis have a regular non-negotiable ritual of practice- their way of navigating the world.
Maintaining a routine strengths your commitment to yourself.
Go upside down to bring more patience, focus, and clarity to your life.
Becoming a Yoga teacher and how it affects your practice