Lock down forces us to slow down. Take this time for self reflection and force time to unwind.

Slowing down helps a gratitude practice, which boost your positivity.

1. Regular routine. Doesn't have to be perfect but sustainable to you. For example, I like to write 2 pages of whatever in the morning with a cup of hot lemon water. Lockdown is an opportune time to create some self-inquiry/ self care practices. 2. Have nutritional supplements every day. Vitamin B and StJohn Wort tea is great! Also try Maca (an adaptogen, that helps regulate the body's stressors, and hormones.) HTP-5 supplements (releases serotonin in the body). 3. Take the time a make a delicious lunch every day as a self-love ritual. Think of yummy and healthy things to eat. When you take time to prepare a nice lunch for yourself, you send signals self-worth and enjoyment your mindset. Plus lunch is a fun break midday. Try VIDEO calling someone for a lunch date. You might be able to reconnect with that overseas or local friend. 4. Music or/and spiritually uplifting podcasts. Fill the house with music to move to, and get your boogie on! Need some soulful inspo? Try Oprah's Super Soul Sundays; highly recommended. 5. Movement & Mindfulness Our go-to is Yoga, try and do a little every day. Even if it's just some gentle stretching. Walking outdoors is great, the benefit of being more isolated is that you can practice some mindful walking. After any exercise take a few moments for stillness, follow on with meditation or get on with your day. With all of the above add a dash of self acceptance and kindness. Now's the time to relax into slowing down and enjoy not having to be in sync with the everyday grind. (Yay!) Kids driving you nuts? Try going slower, take more time. More patience. Yup this is a trying time; but what doesn't kill you make you stronger.