6 Reasons to Go to Yoga Solo

Maintaining a routine strengths your commitment to yourself.

You can deepen your experience with your own self-driven intensity without feeling self conscious or distracted. The chance to practice at your own pace, it may even feel less competitive

I remember when I first thought about trying yoga as a healing supplement to my routine. At the time, my main focus was to get fit, but I wanted something that I could maintain on a regular basis. I wanted to be healthier. Yoga seemed to be the alternative to the gym (which I hated), but unfamiliar territory for me. Feeling a bit shy, I recruited a good friend and we went together. The class was amazing, we both thoroughly enjoyed the whole yogic experience. We moved in ways that we never had experienced before and a sense of much needed relaxation and calm washed over us.

6 Reasons to Go to Yoga Solo

1. Maintaining a routine strengths your commitment to yourself.

This is act of self love gives you the ability to be more emotionally self sufficient.

2. Not being dependant on another person’s schedule makes it’s easier to maintain a regular practice.

A friend’s inconsistency can distract you from being disciplined in the beginning, even slowing your momentum and your initial enthusiasm. Having a regular practice evolves into a regular habit like brushing your teeth. Yoga is sacred personal, breathing space from your external world. The opportunity to retreat, reevaluate and process the ups and downs of life.

3. Develop focus, and dedication.

You can deepen your experience with your own self-driven intensity without feeling self conscious or distracted. The chance to practice at your own pace, it may even feel less competitive. This opportunity allows you to move iwht “stira sukha”, using yoga as your moving meditation.

4. Going alone, you’ll have the time to pay more attention to the teacher’s cueing which will help cultivate mindfulness and presence.

With no one else’s time constraints, you may even ask for some extra guidance.

5. Committing to your yoga practice will ground you.

Going alone, the studio can become your home away from home and will become private “you time” — a chance to re-balance and center yourself in a supported loving space. this is especially important when you are frazzled.

6. Meet new friends.

The likelihood of developing quality friends in the studio is very high as most yogis have similar interests. Some of the most treasured friendships have been nurtured over mat time, as yogis in class can witness each other’s break through whether emotional or physical. Going to yoga solo is a devotional practice that quickly helps illuminates the priorities in your life in a positive non-judgement environment. As you look around the room, you’ll notice that you aren’t the only one coming alone. Everyone is showing up for the same reasons. In this community of yogis, the energy of the room is lifted, it’s a special rare occasion to be apart of something universally healing. Class can inspire the confidence to be an individual, and at the same time, you’ll realize that you aren’t alone.

*Originally posted in Yogaanonymous.com