5 Things you should know when dating a Yogini or Yogi

Most Yogis have a regular non-negotiable ritual of practice- their way of navigating the world

Yogis know more about psychology than the average person.

  • Don’t presume a Yogi is innocent. This inclusive practise is a profoundly unique self-awareness technique based on acceptance and self-love, self-care, and non-judgement. Many found Yoga as a safe way to deal with personal addictions, trauma, bad behaviours and life challenges. Then there are also those Yogis who do like to cut loose. Many love to dance! (Think ecstatic dance).

  • Yoga can be addictive. Most Yogis have a regular non-negotiable ritual of practice- their way of navigating the world — a personal management system for processing life and situations that arise from it.

  • Yogis take health and nutrition to the next level. A by-product of being self-aware and practising Yoga is discovering what foods work well in the body and how to use food to optimise wellness. Some Yogis follow the Ahimsa Yama; a non-harming guideline that is akin to being Vegan.

  • Yogis know more about psychology than the average person. Watch out! Yogis love learning about the psychology behind somatic movement patterns. Yogis are always learning, experiencing, or emotionally processing something.

  • Yogis are hilarious and studious; you will find many possess a joy for life and living. Much like many comedians, a sense of humour stems from an intellect, especially one that can view the world from a unique perceptive.